Category Archives: Uncategorized
The Nick of Time
chapter one Long ago and far away, on a cold frozen morning in the middle of winter, Peter and Elena awoke from their dreams when the first blue light tickled and called them from sleep. Pinned to their beds … Continue reading
Illustrations by Elena Dhyansky
Kindness and Civility
Kindness and Civility In our small world, we don’t always agree on the best course of action. Previously, I’ve lobbied for natural priorities, like giving up our bus seats for the infirm, encumbered, parents with kids. But it’s not always so clear. To … Continue reading
Lost Sock Warp
So much languishes, huddles, lounges, basks in the lost sock warp… not just the missing socks from the dryer, but essential, hah! things, thoughts, places, people… that won’t stay put where I can find them. Who knows what they’re up … Continue reading